I'm trying to repair flooded N45 DME from 1 series E87, 2005 year.
Unfortunately it is almost impossible to find this DME in my country, it is from 4 cylinder non valvetronic engine. Original DME is flooded and engine won't start. I removed 28F800 and 90M50 eeprom from pcb board, got another ME9.2 dme from 8 cylinder E65 with N62 engine, removed additional parts from pcb and soldered flash and eeprom IC's, they are readable with BDM and working fine, but still no start. Than I realized that the MPC556 processor has it's own flash and two configuration dumps. I wanted to read flash from original processor with xprog-m, but it is damaged and and overheats. So everything I need is dump form MPC556 processor.
Maybe someone have dump from MPC556 of N45 non vavletronic DME?