I got a CAS 3 (9147220) and it is flashed to 9227053 (CAS without ELV). The ELV is repaired and I flashed it back to original. I did not have the original flash file, because the mod was done from the preowner.
I took a similar CAS flash file and the ISN is in the eeprom, so it should work, but it won't. I can read out the CAS, there are no errors. The Ignition did not come and the yellow key is on. I can reset the ELV counter but there is no way to turn on the ignition or the car itself. Is the flash file (because its not from the donor car) the problem? Is there a chance to fix it? Or does it not matter, that the flash file is not from this car and there are still issues with the ELV itself?
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!