I made a key for this vehicle yesterday. It was cas3++ with msd81 dme. I downgraded the cas no problem, tried reading the dme isn obd but no luck. Pulled the dme, got the isn no problem. I was able to program the key ok, remote works and starts the car. The problem is the engine rpm is going up and down and no throttle response. I upgraded the cas thinking that might help but same thing. I pulled out a different scanner to clear codes but a couple of code in the dme would not go away. I should have taken a pic of the codes but i didnt, they did have to do with the throttle body or something of that nature.
Is it possible the problem has something to do with some sort of coding mismatch after programming? This was a repo car with no known history and it was pretty junky so it might have existing issues. I just want to make sure it wasnt something I could have caused or fixed.
Also, under diagnosis in autohex, how do I know which selection to choose, there are e,f and g, with a bunch of options, not sure which number to choose. Is there something on the car that easily identifies which?