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..what about EGS factory mode ??
Isn from gearbox is okSo you need to read isn from egs in factory mode and write in your dde/dme
Isn from gearbox is okSo you need to read isn from egs in factory mode and write in your dde/dmeISN between CAS and EGS will be different. EGS ISN will not help. He need to get ISN from CAS itself.
AutoHex II BMW Diagnostic Software Version 1.0.66 A new release has been made for Autohex software ,the only software which enables users to 🧨read and reset ISN from EGS 8HP from E, F & G series of BMW🧨. This brilliant function will allow users to get ISN from transmission which will help in case of replacing DME, FEM/BDC even when original controls are not available,key programming etc. From this update as we promised earlier all Autohex Packages with EGS reset option can reset EGS from 8HP E series on bench which was missing on previous versions. Please check the link for more details.https://www.microtronik....i-bmw-software-id-100087 MICROTRONIK..CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS FUNCTION PLEASE?
AutoHex II BMW Diagnostic Software Version 1.0.66
AutoHex II BMW Diagnostic Software Version 1.0.66 A new release has been made for Autohex software ,the only software which enables users to 🧨read and reset ISN from EGS 8HP from E, F & G series of BMW🧨. This brilliant function will allow users to get ISN from transmission which will help in case of replacing DME, FEM/BDC even when original controls are not available,key programming etc. From this update as we promised earlier all Autohex Packages with EGS reset option can reset EGS from 8HP E series on bench which was missing on previous versions. Please check the link for more details.https://www.microtronik....i-bmw-software-id-100087 MICROTRONIK..CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS FUNCTION PLEASE?Initially we misunderstood that it was same ISN for EGS, but later on with further study we found out that there is different sync between DME_CAS_EGS which need to have same ISN. Its like have 2 ISN for EGS we are reading the one in factory mode which is different from DME-CAS so cannot use that while replacing ECU or programming key.
he can use the option to unlock and reset cas4 without isn,autohex will generate a new isn,write that isn generated by autohex in dde and use egs reset option after the car starttrue???? will you see the new generated ISN, does it tell you ?? Key isnt a problem can be reset if thats what it takes