Can I read isn from a cas if I have the key ,,,
And read it also from a donor cas with a key ,,, and write in my original isn ,,,, with out having to read it from the ecu ???
The thing is the car is maybe 100 miles away and I’d much rather do it here since I have both cas modules here ,,,,
The only reason I don’t clone cas is Becuase one has a mask of 2k79x ,,, and the replacement one has a mask of 0l15y

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It is possible to read and write ISN from CAS using a working key with Autohex in the ISN Manager Option 2. This process requires a key slot from the E-series model, a connection to the CAS on the bench, and inserting the key into the designated slot when prompted by the software for ignition. To write to the donor CAS, please take note of the ISN somewhere and manually write it using Option 2. For copying FA, save the FA from the FA Manager original CAS option and load it into the donor CAS using the FA Manager options. Additionally, change the CAS VIN using the advanced option for CAS replacement on the donor CAS. Afterward, exit and re-enter coding/programming to perform individual coding for the donor CAS. Please check the given wiring in Autohex. HW4 CAS3.png You have insufficient rights to see the content.
..your replacement is CAS3+ and original is CAS3 . Its possible to mix the two buh needs playing with eeprom data then use autohex for key vin FA etc_ from your vin you can check what engine type is there to confirm if its with LONG ISN or SHORT. if its with short ISN easy option is just replace with CAS2. for CAS3 long ISN with MSV80 ecu will need leave that for another day or go get the ECU from CAR😊