Hi all. I got 2 used DMEs, original CAS, ZGW and KEY. DMEs had the SK written (from CAS), flashed and coded. Now when instaled the slave side will not activate the ignition / injection. I get the
1B2008 (EWS immobilizer protection against tampering: Response implausible) code on the slave side.
If I swap the DMEs, the issue stays on the slave side. Now if I check the status of EWS with Tool32 on the slave side, I get:
STAT_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED_TXT = Freigabe von Zuendung und Einspritzung abgelehnt (Challenge-Response fehlgeschlagen, falsche Response, Kommunikation i.O.)
STAT_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATED_TXT = Release of ignition and injection rejected (challenge response failed, wrong response, communication OK)
So, It looks like the SK is different in CAS and DME, but I know it is the same. Does CAS have different SK for master / slave DME? Not possible, I think. By the wiring diagram, master side has a direct wire from CAS to DME (CAS_BUS) but slave side is more complicated. No single wire. Slave has PT-CAN, PT-CAN2 and FLEX.
I'm not sure how DME2 (slave) gets the message. CAS has only K-CAN BUS to ZGW but I'm not sure if the slave gets the EWS message fro CAS or master DME.
The only thing I see is new (aftermarket) key and coding in CAS shows car is manual but really it is automatic.
Did anyone had this issue before or has some usefull info?
Thank you in advance.
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