I've had autohex for a year or two now and pretty sure when we bought it, it was about 6 thousand bucks. I recently bought Hexprog and figured I'de reach out to ask the microtronik's team if there was any offers or discounts for existing customers when buying the hextag. Nope, none at all. Fair enough it is what it is.
Got hextag today, opened up the software and they want to sell me autohex for 1750 ?!? so I'm like alright thats great I bought these in the wrong order. Check on the website and AH2 is now under 3 grand.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, would of been nice as an earlier supporter of the company to get some goodwill towards the recent purchase seeing how they want to sell the same product now that I paid 6,000 dollars for at much much less than half the price just a year or two later.