Hello All,
I have a 2009 BMW 550i which its automatic transmission is faulty and would want to replace it but having a challenge of having the right transmission model. The original Transmission model for the car is ZF 6HP28 automatic transmission, couldn't get it so I mounted ZF 6HP26 automatic transmission but car would start, sometimes shift to neutral on its own but wont drive. My E60 550i is V8 and uses N62 engine while the 6HP26 automatic transmission was pulled out from same year 7series E65 V8 using same N62 engine( both engines looks exactly alike in their exteriors). I would want to ask if EGS ISN edit or reflash/coding can adapt the 6HP26 to my car and make it work properly? I already know its a function AUTOHEX II can do but just want to be sure it will work in this my case. I appreciate any advice or suggestions that would be helpful in getting my car back on the road, thanks to you all
Best Regards,