Thank you in advance for your help. I recently purchase the Autohex II BMW Full Package SKU: AHX0005

I'm in the process of completing the FEM/BDC Replacement with Dead Original. The kit has worked great so far.

I'm stuck at Step 5. Program key if needed from key learning option 2. I see in the connection diagram a spot for Key Coil two brown wires, but don't see what needs to be connected. I see a green circuit board with a large circle, which the online sales page lists as Key, but no diagram for connection. Does anyone have a diagram or explanation on this process? I did find one video online with the Hextag and a small round stand where a key should go, but don't have that with my kit. Looking online the Hextag is shown as obsolete.

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you have to use your own coil (from car or another)
Thank you for the reply. I already had the GoDiag GT100 with FEM/BDC +Test Platform, but could not figure out how to make it work. Since my first post I did find a video that helped.
Link attached for others.