  •  Piconerd
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Hi All,
New user here, so be gentle please :)
Long story short. I run a BMW/MINI specialist workshop and bought Autohex to support my customers better with flashing of used modules etc, plus i wanted the ability to offer remote key replacement.
I am finding it difficult to find solid information on the correct procedures for making keys on all the different makes/models/CAS versions/CAS software levels etc.
I have found info dotted around in many different places including this forum/videos on you tube etc but these dont get updated so might well be old/out of date methods.
I don't want to find out by trial and error as this could be an expensive exercise!

Can somebody point me in the right direction OR at least confirm that this info is hard to find.

To date i have only made keys for both my E87 loan cars, both with CAS 3 and this was done via the key slot. Making the keys was trial and error even on this CAS as i couldn't find anywhere that walked me through the process.

Any help / info appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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Please program key from key learning option 3 if you have working key for encrypted cas. Software will ask for cas firmware to do if required and program key and then restore cas from cas firmware. if it is all keys lost probably need dme isn , so read dme isn and program key from key learning option 4.
This is the normal procedure to program keys for the e series. also need hexprog to connect to pc one extra usb cable to pc and key need to prepare on that coil for blank keys.
  •  Piconerd
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Originally Posted by: Autohex_II_BMW 

Please program key from key learning option 3 if you have working key for encrypted cas. Software will ask for cas firmware to do if required and program key and then restore cas from cas firmware. if it is all keys lost probably need dme isn , so read dme isn and program key from key learning option 4.
This is the normal procedure to program keys for the e series. also need hexprog to connect to pc one extra usb cable to pc and key need to prepare on that coil for blank keys.

Thankyou for responding.
But to clarify, i have already made E series keys using option 3. I figured it out as i went along by trial and error. I was prepared to do this because these were my vehicles. I dont want to do this with my customers cars.
As i stated, What about instructions for other models/CAS versions/FEM/BDC/different software variants/OBD vs using hextag etc etc etc.

Why should i have to figure it out on my own?
I paid $7000.00 for a powerful tool that has no user manual!

The tech support you guys offer is awesome and i appreciate it very much.

But, tech support wouldn't be needed if instructions were provided (like they are with every other scan tool/device i have ever purchased).
I just want to get on with using the tool to help my customers AND get some return on my investment!
I dont think this is too much to ask.
I look forward to your response.
Best regards
https://www.microtronik.com/technical-info  plus technical support team and a couple of videos on 6HP E70/71 is all you need, autohex software is clear and user friendly 👌
  •  Piconerd
  • 65.2% (Friendly)
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https://www.microtronik.com/technical-info  plus technical support team and a couple of videos on 6HP E70/71 is all you need, autohex software is clear and user friendly 👌

Thanks for responding.

I did take a look at the tech articles in the link. I had seen them before because tech support pointed me this way when i was talking to them previously.
Perhaps i need to spend a bit more time reading through the info.
I guess I've been overwhelmed by all the different procedures / steps that need to be carried out to perform these jobs.

As I said before, I'm super impressed by what the tool can do - i guess i just need to get accustomed / confident in using it.
Tech support is awesome. No complaints there.

Thanks again.

https://www.microtronik.com/technical-info  plus technical support team and a couple of videos on 6HP E70/71 is all you need, autohex software is clear and user friendly 👌

Thanks for responding.

I did take a look at the tech articles in the link. I had seen them before because tech support pointed me this way when i was talking to them previously.
Perhaps i need to spend a bit more time reading through the info.
I guess I've been overwhelmed by all the different procedures / steps that need to be carried out to perform these jobs.

As I said before, I'm super impressed by what the tool can do - i guess i just need to get accustomed / confident in using it.
Tech support is awesome. No complaints there.

Thanks again.

Yeah true, just get accustomed to it we all been there