  •  hmmmm3
  • 56.2% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
Got my unit last year around May. Tried to read CAS but kept getting a -943 error. I figured the issue was my solder wiring and I contacted support.

They were somewhat helpful but did not solve my issue. I tried to read at least 4-5 different CAS units but none ever worked. I finally gave up until recently. I was in a rush to clone a CAS and figured I would try it again. It didnt work, I contacted support, and we figured it may be the cable.

Long story short it was the cable. Although the cable past continuty test, it still was not working. I read on a post here about someone not getting 5 v on the red wire. So I tested that and that was my issue. No 5v coming out from the red wire soldered to the board. Also I had 0V on the wire side all the terminal, although continuity was good.

I ended up installing a jumper wire from the terminal to the terminal.
Now I can read the CAS module. Hope this helps someone.

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  •  hmmmm3
  • 56.2% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
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