  •  Magno
  • 52.6% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I've been trying to read sid 208 and sid 209 ford for several days, I've already tried with 5 ECUs, both from cars that work, in the old version of hextag there was no problem, now that I changed it to hexprog 2 I can't read it and it's something in the hexprog interface or software because all the attempts that weren't the good old ktag china le and record has anyone ever been through this?

 sid208 error.pdf.rar You have insufficient rights to see the content.

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9c4 error mostly because of ECU password is wrong. When you write another file to ECU that may change the ECU password, now ECU cannot be unlocked.
Please return the real original file of ECU to itself with the same tool used before. With the original file and password this ECU will work normally in Hexporg II.
  •  Magno
  • 52.6% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
So if the car's ECU is already changed, I won't be able to do anything except use my Chinese tool because the hexprog that I pay annually doesn't want to do it? The responsibility always lies with whoever is doing the work, why not release hexprog to work?
If your ECU reads and writes with Hexprog II Tuner this ECU password will be saved in the PC you have used mostly. In that case, ECU will read direct. If ECU worked with another PC or another tool then the password will be lost mostly. (or saved in that tool which enables to work in that tool).