  •  MarkD
  • 57.4% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter

My hexprog version is displayed as 1.0.102 and there's no further update.

I an getting a few errors, one says that the EE has a partition error 94e, and that it can't be repaired.

If I write a saved 4K EE file to the FRM3, it says that it was written, but then displays a message saying "hexprog is a different version from software, please update and try again. Ref 981.

Well no amount of hitting the UPDATE button fixes this... It still shows version 1.0.102 and fails in the same way.

Any ideas?

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use other tool then hexprog....
If you get the message "hexprog is a different version from software, please update and try again. Ref 981" on version 1.0.102 after repair FRM3 please ignore that message and read EEE again it will work normally. No need to update again as you are already in the latest version.
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